Program Helps Special Needs Students Transition To Workplace
By Dr. Marciene Mattleman
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Students with emotional or behavioral disabilities may have more trouble with the transition from high school to a job or college than those with other special needs.
Specialized Education Services, Inc., a 56-school network in 12 states, educates students with behavioral and learning disabilities, and is attempting to break the cycle. Small businesses in their communities provide work experiences for students but also teach punctuality, initiative and customer service.
Christina A. Samuels in Education Week brings out that "mom and pop" stores are desirable because the owners can pay close attention to students. The High Road School in Providence, R.I. has developed a partnership with a local chain of restaurants, Hearth 'n Kettle. Local businesses see these opportunities as a means of giving back.
Read more in Education Week to learn about other community-based instruction programs for students who struggle with transferring training from one situation to another and their rate of success.