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Analysis: Pressure Mounting On Santorum To Bow Out

By Larry Kane

PHILADELPHIA (CBS)- With two weeks to go until the Pennsylvania Primary, the pressure is on Rick Santorum to pull out of the race now. For the Santorum family, it's a personal day. The former Senator and his wife Karen are visiting their daughter Bella, who was hospitalized. In the backdrop is new pressure to end his presidential run.

He gets back to campaigning Tuesday amid intense pressure for him to quit the race. In the latest blow, Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention, one of the most powerful religious leaders in the nation, has urged him to withdraw and give a boost to presumed nominee Mitt Romney to win in the fall.

Santorum's schedule is heavy in the next four days, but some polls show Romney starting to pull ahead in Pennsylvania. That could change, but fear of failing in his home state, along with urgings from some conservative leaders might be too much for the Western Pennsylvania Republican.

He lost for Senate in 2006 by big numbers, but losing in a Republican-only primary could be devastating to his political future. That's why after family matters are attended to, Santorum may reassess.

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