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New Presidential Poll Shows Dogfight In 4 Battleground States, Including PA

HAMDEN, C.T. (CBS) - A new poll of likely voters in four key battleground states, including Pennsylvania, shows the race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is tightening up.

The survey conducted by Quinnipiac University pitted the two major candidates against each other head to head and with Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein thrown in. Tim Malloy ran the poll in Pennsylvania where it's 48-43 Clinton.

"Things are looking better for Donald Trump right now," Malloy told KYW Newsradio. "They were down 10 points a few weeks ago. He's down only 5. So he's made a significant move and it's a red flag for Hillary Clinton. It looked pretty comfortable and now it's not."

The independents take about 12% of the state's vote between them. In that matchup, Clinton enjoys a 44-39 advantage over Trump, with Johnson at 9 percent and Stein polling at 3 percent.

So what's the overall difference in the Keystone State? Malloy says Clinton's "lost some ground with women which are her bedrock. It doesn't mean that Trump's gaining them but she's lost women. It's an interesting and going to be a troubling development."

In other battleground states, Clinton leads Trump 47-43 in North Carolina while Trump outpolls her 46-45 in Ohio.

Florida is pegged as a dead heat in this poll with both major candidates garnering 47 percent of the vote in a head to head matchup.

Some 3 ,000 people were surveyed in the four states between August 29 and September 7th. The polls have an average margin of error of approximately 3 and a half percent.

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