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Pot Smokers 'Toke Back The Wall' In Rittenhouse Square

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Stopping marijuana use was one of the reasons why signs were put up last week asking people not to sit on the walls in Rittenhouse Square.

Upset weed smokers came together Friday afternoon at that very spot for an event called "Toke Back The Wall." Taking part were PhillyNORML's Chris Goldstein and about 100 pot advocates.

"We'll light our joints at 4:20," says Goldstein. "Because our community sees this space as a sanctuary in many ways and we're grateful for decriminalization here in Philly."

Pot supporters "Toke Back The Wall" credit cbs

He says they want to prove they can be responsible in the park, fully aware citations would be given out:

"We're going to ceremonially sit on the wall, light our joints, then we're going to walk over to the Philadelphia Police processing van, we'll hand over our ID and our marijuana and we'll get a code violation notice."

Pot supporter Chase Kent wasn't smoking when authorities arrived, but he's proud of those who were, and hopes this one day leads to more marijuana freedom:

"That's what this is all about. Some people got citations. Hopefully in a month or a year cops will be smoking with us."

He held up a sign saying 'I smoke weed and I'm a good person' to show bud can be enjoyed publicly while still respecting others.

Chase Kent and other weed advocates in Rittenhouse Square. credit cbs

Another reason for this event...

"We have a lot of big questions about how President Trump is going to treat this issue," says Goldstein.

He points out that decriminalization has worked since an ordinance was passed by City Council in 2014, saying pot arrests have been reduced by 86-percent.

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