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Poll Shows Eagles Fans Rooting For Foles, Barkley Over Vick

By Andrew Porter

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – With training camp underway, the Eagles QB position battle is probably the most intriguing preseason position battle in all of football. In a three horse race, Mike Vick, Nick Foles, and rookie Matt Barkley (no offense to Dixon and Kinne) will duke it out through August.

The Audio Roadshow question for the WIP Morning Show today, examined not who will win the QB battle, but rather, who you are rooting for to win the QB battle.

Foles won obtaining 53% of the votes, Barkley was second with 34% of the votes, while Vick received only 13% of the votes.

Download Audio Roadshow and see the poll results

Many people (via social media and on the phone lines) voiced they are taking the "anybody but Vick" approach. However, to me, the polarizing Vick has, by far, the most upside out of the three quarterbacks. Vick, who is the only duel threat of the bunch, has never played for an innovative, read-option type offensive-minded coach like Chip Kelly. Rather, Vick, has played for the defensive minded Dan Reeves and two west-coast offense guys in Jim Mora Jr. and of course, Andy Reid. Not the model of the "exciting young coach."

Many people are looking at the QB battle from Chip Kelly's perspective, because ultimately it will be Kelly who will make the decision. Let's flip it around for a second. For the first time in his professional career Michael Vick gets to play quarterback in an offensive system that takes the most advantage of his skills. Ideally, Kelly wants a mobile quarterback, who can create and be dynamic, something Vick has never had the chance to do.

It is very possible we get the Vick we got last year---a turnover, injury-riddled machine. If that's the case Kelly can just simply go to Foles, or Barkley, whenever he feels that change needs to be made.

While Michael Vick probably has the largest downside out of the three quarterbacks and he is certainly not the long-term solution for the Eagles at the QB position, he also undoubtedly has the largest upside, which may be too hard to resist for an eccentric coach like Chip Kelly, who seemingly is looking to win right away.

Could you imagine if Vick thrives under Kelly? If he cuts his turnovers and returns to 2010 version of himself? A 4-12 team in 2012, transforming into one of the most dynamic offenses in the NFL the very next season? Sure it is a big IF, but you have to admit it is possible.

If you have the ability to separate your hatred for Vick off of the field, I'm not really sure how you can not be rooting for him on the field. I want Michael Vick to be the Eagles week 1 starter, and I want Michael Vick to be spectacular, like he was for those stretch of games in 2010--that is the only scenario in which the Eagles can compete for the Super Bowl this season. And if Vick stinks it up after a game or two, then bench him and try another option. No harm in that.

I just can't resist the allure of seeing Vick run Kelly's offense (I doubt Kelly can resist it either). As a fan, that screams fun to least for a week or two.

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