Planners To Study Bus Service Between Rowan And Gloucester County College
By David Madden
GLOUCESTER COUNTY, NJ (CBS) - The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission will conduct a study to determine the feasibility of a shuttle service between Gloucester County's two major educational institutions.
Rowan University and Gloucester County College established a dual enrollment program last year, making it easier for students to get a four-year degree between both schools. That's the reason behind this feasibility study, according to County Freeholder chair Bob Damminger.
"With the dual enrollment you'll be able to do classes at GCC plus you may have to go to Rowan to do some classes. This will give us better access and better transportation."
That is, if the study finds the service would have enough users from the beginning. Damminger's even looking into using alternative fuel vehicles for the proposed service between Sewell and Glassboro.
Study results are expected in a few weeks, but don't look for the service to crank up for at least a year.