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Philadelphians Join The World In A Universal Prayer For Peace In Syria

By Cherri Gregg

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- The Archdiocese of Philadelphia held a series of prayer vigils at the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul on Saturday.

The gatherings came in response to Pope Francis' call for a day of prayer and fasting for Syria.

Scores of Philadelphians joined the world in a universal prayer for peace in Syria.

"We believe my brothers and sisters that if the word invites us to this reality of peace, God will hear our reality of prayer and we can move him," mass celebrant Father Dennis Gill said.

"Violence and war is not the answer to the Syrian situation."

Sister Jane McFadden joined in the vigil.

"I think the American people are upset about going into another war because we have been in so many wars. I think this is a time when we are all going to come into together and pray, because the only one who can help us is God," Sister McFadden said.

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