Philadelphia Weather: Next Week March Begins Like A Lamb, Not A Lion
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- According to folklore, the old adage "In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb" originated in Pennsylvania and refers to the month of March. So what exactly does that mean?
The phrase was coined centuries ago by our forefathers. They derived that March is considered to be the last winter month, so naturally, it would begin lion-like with cold, snow, and ice.
Then, 31 days later at the end of March, the opposite was supposed to happen. March 31 is considered the end of winter and the start of spring with warmer and pleasant lamb-like weather.
February 2022 will end Monday on a very cold note in the low 30's. However, Tuesday is the start of March and it looks like a pleasant, seasonable day with sunshine and 40s.
In other words, this March comes in like a lamb, not a lion.
It's too early to forecast the end of March.
Stay tuned to see if it ends peacefully or roars like a lion.
Last year, March also began peacefully in the upper 40s with isolated pre-dawn rain showers and by the end of March 2021, the lion was roaring with mild temperatures and heavy rain.