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Violent crime numbers dropping in Philadelphia, but city leaders acknowledge more work is needed

Violent crime numbers are falling in Philadelphia, but effort will continue, police say
Violent crime numbers are falling in Philadelphia, but effort will continue, police say 02:14

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — The Philadelphia District Attorney's office on Monday announced new murder and attempted murder charges against eight members of criminal groups they say have been working out of North Philadelphia. The charges stem from at least four homicides and multiple shootings in 2021 and 2022.

"BNG is history. They're done," District Attorney Larry Krasner said, referring to the "Big Naddy Gang."

"BNG sought money, vehicles, but above all they sought notoriety. They wanted a reputation for being violent and dangerous," Assistant District Attorney Joe Lanuti said.

Krasner said those charged were members of the so-called "Big Naddy Gang" and "Zoo Gang," which operate in an area that Philadelphia Police Commissioner Kevin Bethel called one of the most violent areas of the city.

"On average, you're looking at a district that almost sees 50 homicides each year and over 200 shootings in a 4.5 square mile area," Bethel said.

This is also one of several areas in the city Bethel says the police department has focused on as part of their strategy to drive down violent crime across the city.

"There's 21 patrol districts across the city. Around 10% of those represent about 77% of our violence. But within those specific areas, there's about 10 areas that really have 33% of the violence," Bethel said.

A graphic showing the year to date number of homicides. In 2024, 109. In 2023, 177. In 2022, 211. In 2021, 221.
Data from the Philadelphia Police Department shows 109 homicides so far in 2024.

And city leaders believe they're seeing results. Data from the Philadelphia Police Department shows 109 homicides counted so far in 2024, a 38% drop from this time last year, and the lowest total for this point in the year since 2016. Shooting incidents are down 37% year-over-year, according to police, and shooting victims have dropped nearly 45%.

"We're happy with the direction we're going, but it's very early in the process," Bethel said.

While homicide numbers have steadily trended down since a peak of 562 in 2021, the city has seen more than 400 murders every year since 2020. If current numbers hold, the city would break that streak. But that means continuing this momentum through the often-challenging summer months.

"It is one of our most challenging time periods, particularly during the warmer months. We will continue to focus our men and women on those specific areas that we have," Bethel said.

And while these numbers are showing improvement, questions remain about whether Philadelphians are feeling these impacts.

"Well, it all depends on where you're at," said Arthur, who lives in Oxford Circle.

Marlene said she still hears plenty of gunshots from her West Philly home, including last week while her young daughter was playing outside.

"Last week we were sitting outside and we heard a couple shots around the corner and we made them go in the house. I was scared, but not as scared. … I worry about their safety more than mine," Marlene said.

Bethel acknowledged it will take time for this impact to show, and that the department needs to stay consistent in its efforts for more than just six months. The commissioner said they'll know they've made a true difference when they hear it from the people who live in the violence-prone areas of the city.

"Those are the individuals who are going to tell us when it's getting better," Bethel said. "And we hope that they have that patience because they have been resilient over one of the most challenging times in our history."

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