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Philadelphia Parking Authority Announces Kiosk Problems, Cab Rides Surcharge

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Some drivers paying for parking at the kiosk with a credit card have experienced problems where the transactions won't go through.

"It's been very inconsistent. It's been very sporadic and it has been citywide," said Vince Fenerty, the executive director of the Philadelphia Parking Authority.

In fact, the parking authority says the problem is so sporadic, it has tested some kiosks that work one minute and failed the next. With a holiday weekend coming up, it's something the parking authority says is working hard to fix.

"We're hoping to have it resolved. But I can't promise it will be resolved tomorrow," Fenerty said.

There are 1,044 kiosks in the city. The parking authority does not know exactly how many of the machines are having problems approving credit card payments. They believe the problem might be in a fire wall in the system. Until the issue is fixed there are a few things drivers should have ready to avoid getting a ticket.

"Have change with you. Have paper currency with you or a smart card," Fenerty said.

"It's a huge inconvenience. Yes. Because I thought the whole benefit of having the machine is that it would be a convenience, and then it's not a convenience," said Sontre Reavis of Center City.

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The Philadelphia Parking Authority has also approved a $1 surcharge for all cab rides in the city.

The new surcharge means customers who step into a cab will be charged $1 even before your ride begins. Eyewitness News has learned this surcharge came at the request of cab companies as a compensation for higher fuel costs.

This additional fee goes into effect at midnight and will remain in place for the next 90 days.

Reported by Valerie Levesque, CBS 3

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