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Philadelphia Is The Best! …At Losing Our Phones

By Jim Melwert

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Hang on to your cell phone! A new study says we're pretty good at losing at them here in Philadelphia.

Tops in the nation, the study says. Here in Philadelphia, on average, we each lose a phone twice a year. Compare that to New York, where it's once a year, or Chicago -- once every three years.

Internationally, that puts us on par with Amsterdam. You can guess why they're losing phones so often in Amsterdam, but here in Philly, it's a head-scratcher.

"I don't know, maybe because we eat too many cheesesteaks?"

Helping us hold the top spot, Nick Epps from Norristown, who says he loses his phone so often, he carries a back-up.

"You just have to be ready for that kind of thing, especially if you're travelling like this. I've got two phones on me today."

The study, from mobile security firm Lookout Labs, says here in Philadelphia lost phones cost us about $14-million, but adds, a lot of times the loss can be more expensive if phones aren't password protected, and personal info gets stolen.

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