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Philadelphia-Based Firm Takes Youth Success Message To White House

By John Ostapkovich

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - A Philadelphia-based firm is playing a role in the multi-pronged effort to avoid allowing millions of young people to fall through the cracks.

Jill Schumann, a Principal at ParenteBeard who specializes in helping non-profit groups succeed, was one of about two dozen people in a White House auditorium. The topic: the 6.7 million people ages 16- 24 who missed the boat on the two main paths to success, school and work.

Schumann says the White House venue highlighted this issue, but wasn't aimed at taking charge.

"You know, the government can't be all things to all people. This wasn't something that said, 'okay, government, here's what you should do.' It was very much about, 'all right, employers, here's what we should be doing, okay, non-profits, get in the game, schools, parents, informal community leaders.'"

And, Schumann is glad to report, some young people there looking for a hand up, not a hand out. She says adult guidance, mentoring, is a key.

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