Phila. School District Moves Its Entire School Selection Process Online
By Mike DeNardo
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- For the first time ever, Philadelphia's public school selection process is now completely online.
Eighth-graders picking high schools, or students requesting transfers to any K-12 district school, are now finding out right away online whether they got their pick.
"Before, it was in fact by US Mail. And the process took much longer, We had to data-enter each and every one of the applications," notes Karyn Lynch, the school district's chief of student services.
Lynch says the decisions on 15,000 students were posted on the district's web site last night.
"By automating the process, getting it online, we're really very much attempting to provide much better customer service to our parents," she tells KYW Newsradio.
Parents now have until next Thursday to confirm the selection with the district.