Phila. Fire Department Gets $$ For Smoke Alarms For Deaf Residents
By John Ostapkovich
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- For the second time this week, the Philadelphia Fire Department has gotten a nice donation for smoke alarms (see related story).
But this time, it's for people who can't hear the regular ones.
Smoke detectors are designed to be annoying. Piercing, shrill and loud, they get our attention. But what about those for whom the din is dim?
Today, the Philadelphia Fire Department and the Citizens for Fire Prevention Committee were awarded more than $6,700 from the insurance company FM Global to purchase and install specially designed alarm systems in more than 25 homes with hearing-impaired residents.
Jodi Eshleman of FM Global (second from left in photo) says the Philly application for the grant stood out.
"The goal to reach out to a part of the community that maybe hasn't been served as well, and maybe has special needs, was something that we really recognized in the application," she said today. "And this is one of the larger grants that we usually give out through the program."
These smoke alarm systems use strobe lights to alert residents during waking hours and vibrating alarms to be placed under pillows at night.