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Philadelphia Experts Explain What FBI's Clinton Recommendation Means For Election

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Reactions poured in as soon as the FBI announced that they were not recommending charges be brought against presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton in connection to an email scandal.

What the decision means for the election, depends on who you ask. Democrats say the decision means the scandal is now behind Clinton. Republicans say it is far from over.

It's been a campaign issue from the beginning: Could Clinton face criminal charges for her use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State. There are different interpretations from each side of the aisle in terms of what this will mean for November.

Republican strategist Alison Young said voters will continue to have trust issues when deciding whether or not to vote for Clinton.

"My first reaction is that this potentially has major repercussions for the election in November," Young said. "It will definitely continue to be a campaign issue because what the FBI Director said today is her action's were not criminal, but he did use the words ill-advised and careless and potentially compromising of national security. That really isn't the standard for a president of the United States."

Democratic Congressman Bob Brady said this decision means this controversy is over and it's time to move on to the main issues that voters will use to decide who to elect in November.

"There's no criminal charges so it's gone. Nothing else can happen to it. It's over," Brady said. "His recommendation is that she didn't do anything criminal; a little careless, but she admitted that so, I think it should put an end to it. Let's talk about the issues, talk about the jobs, talk about the economy."

Both the Clinton campaign and the Trump campaign released statements regarding the decision.

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