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Pennsylvania's US Senate Race Heats Up After Toomey Announces He's Standing With His Party

By Cherri Gregg

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- The race for the US Senate is heating up in Pennsylvania after Senator Pat Toomey issued a statement Monday saying he will stand with fellow Republicans in rejecting any Obama nomination to the US Supreme Court.

His opponents see blood in the water.

Moments after Senator Pat Toomey released a statement saying the appointment to the US Supreme Court should be made by the newly elected president- his Democratic opponents took to Twitter.

John Fetterman tweeted- Now's the time patriotism over partisanship; Katie McGinty wrote Toomey is politicizing the appointment-- and Joe Sestak-- urged Toomey to- Stand with Pennsylvania not partisan obstructionism.

"This could be a critical issue."

Franklin and Marshall political analyst Terry Madonna says Democrats may use Toomey's stance to drive voter turnout come November.

"The Democrats need five seats to win control in the US Senate, this is going to be one of the most important Senate races in the country."

Madonna says a female or minority nominee by President Obama could also galvanize the liberal base. A possible short list includes D.C. Circuit Judge Sri Srinivasan and Attorney General Loretta Lynch.


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