Pennsylvania's New GED Test To Be Implemented January 2nd
By Tony Romeo
HARRISBURG, Pa. (CBS) - The Pennsylvania Department of Education says there's a new GED test in the works, and if you're in the process of taking the current test, you'll need to wrap it up by the end of the year.
Pennsylvania Department of Education spokesman Tim Eller says the last update to the GED test was in 2002 and the next update will be implemented on January 2nd.
"Anybody who is looking to complete the GED exam, or is in the process of completing the five parts of the GED exam, have until December 31st of this year, 2013," Eller said. "If they do not complete all five parts by December 31st they will need to restart all over again from the beginning."
Again, that means partial scores from the current five-part GED cannot be carried over to the new four-part test. The new test will be available in a computer-based format only at approved testing centers.
Paper-based testing will be available on a limited basis according individual needs.