Penndot Lowers Weight Limit on Dozens of Deteriorating Bridges
By Paul Kurtz
CLIFTON HEIGHTS, Pa. (CBS) -- As previously announced, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation -- blaming a lack of budget action by the state legislature -- has begun imposing weight restrictions on scores of deteriorating bridges in Pennsylvania.
One new sign has been posted along the Baltimore Avenue Bridge over Darby Creek, in Clifton Heights.
Penndot District 6 executive Les Toaso says this is one of about a thousand structurally deficient bridges across Pennsylvania getting new or lower weight limits (see related story).
"The reason why we're posting these bridges is to slow down the deterioration on these bridges until we get adequate funding to take care of the needs of these bridges to repair, preserve, or replace them," Toaso said today.
The new limits will affect truck traffic primarily.
Penndot is hoping the move will get the attention of the state legislature, which decided against providing funding in the budget that was passed in June.