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'Pedal Desk' Allows You To Work Out While Working

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PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Sometimes exercising is easier said than done.

Demands at work and home can make it tough to hit the gym.

So, what if you could work and workout at the same time?

The last email is sent, the computer is shutting down and you're finished with another eight-hour workday, the last thing you probably want to do is exercise.

"I usually don't," said one man.

New research shows most Americans need at least two and a half hours of working out a week, but in a typical office job getting that exercise in is next to impossible.

The Pedal Desk could be the newest fad at the office.

"This is a very independent, by yourself type of exercise," said one man.

But it's one that researchers say could put an end to sedentary lifestyles.

University of Massachusetts kinesiologists created this pedal desk prototype which was found to improve insulin responses and mitigate some of the deadly side effects of sitting all day.

Kieran Tracey is an instructor at Crossfit 2st Street in Pennsport.

He told Eyewitness News you don't have to wait for your company to swap out your cubicle with a pedal desk to improve your health at work.

"Even if there is a way for companies to put a 30 minute period in the day for people to be able to be active and go outside and get something done," said Tracey.

But, if the pedal bike desk catches on, mixed responses on whether workers say they'll give it a spin.

"I'll try it out for a couple of months," said one woman.


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