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Pa. Jobs Up for 2010 Despite Dip in June

After three straight months of growth, Pennsylvania's economy lost jobs last month.
KYW's Tony Romeo reports that officials say Pennsylvania lost 6,300 non-farm jobs in June,  mostly due to the phase-out of temporary census jobs, but the commonwealth is still ahead for the year.

Rendell says 64,000 jobs were added so far in 2010, compared to a loss of 143,000 jobs in the first six months of last year:

"Our economy's still picking up, showing some growth. We knew we'd lose those census jobs, they were temporary and we knew we'd lose them, but we're still in better shape than almost -- certainly than any large state in the union."

The unemployment rate for June was 9.2-percent, the same as the adjusted rate for May. Rendell points to the mixed June jobs report as he calls on Congress to immediately enact an extension of unemployment benefits.

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