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Pa. House Democrats Fail Again To Bring Sandusky Investigation Resolution to Vote

By Tony Romeo

HARRISBURG, Pa. (CBS) - Democrats in the state House Monday tried and failed again to force consideration of a resolution that would ask the Justice Department to investigate the way the Jerry Sandusky investigation was handled.

State House Democrats want to ask the feds to review the Sandusky probe, in particular, with an eye toward whether Sandusky could or should have been charged sooner. Allegheny County Democrat Frank Dermody, the House minority leader, says it's about children.

"Whether this investigation was done properly, and whether or not the Sandusky investigation should be looked at from the standpoint of protecting our children in the future."

Montgomery County House Republican Mike Vereb says the resolution is about children.

"They're attempting to make political pawns out of the child victims for political gain 20 days before an election."

Leaders of the GOP-controlled House dropped two days from the legislative session calendar, a move that under House rules will apparently scuttle Democrats' parliamentary maneuvers to force consideration of the resolution before the two-year session ends this fall.

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