Pa. Congressman Wants Stronger College Sex Crime Reporting Laws
By David Madden
RADNOR, Pa. (CBS) -- There's a push to strengthen federal law, requiring colleges across America to report sex abuse crimes.
US Rep. Pat Meehan (R-Pa.), whose district includes the Delaware County campus of Cabrini College, says he wants to close a number of loopholes in what's commonly called the "Clery Law."
Named for a murdered college student at Lehigh University, it is supposed to require accurate reporting of crimes, primarily against women. But, says Meehan, it's not working.
"In 2010 we had 2, 971 sexual offenses that were reported on college campuses. But the Department of Justice estimates that 95 percent of assaults on campuses go unreported," he said today.
That loophole, he adds, allowed the problems at Penn State to fester for years.
Meehan's measure would require a clearer chain of responsibility, with an emphasis on helping victims and a requirement that crimes against minors be reported.