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Outrage After Pregnant Pit Bull, Puppies Euthanized During Birth

AMARILLO, TX (CBSDFW.COM/CBS LOCAL) -- A pregnant pit bull – described as aggressive by her owners – was euthanized last month while giving birth. Now a Facebook Post last week describing the incident is sparking a debate online.

In the social media post that has been shared and commented on thousands of times,  Dacia Anderson, an Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare (AAMW) volunteer described what she called "completely appalling and unacceptable."

"I have held on to this post, hoping that I would not have to share, but I cannot seem to get anywhere. Today, I am coming to the public for support," Anderson continued.

Richard Havens, Director of AAMW told the press they made an "unfortunate but necessary decision." That according to KAMR/KCIT TV.

As a volunteer, Anderson said she interacted with the pit bull. "I went into her kennel to take a picture for the [Amarillo-Panhandle Humane Society] Facebook "In the Facility" album. She was friendly, but scared, and jumped up on me for comfort. I looked at her band and noted she had been an owner surrender the previous day," Anderson said in her post.

Later, after noticing the pit bull had begun delivering her pups, Anderson said she met resistance from officials after trying to get the dog some help. " Unfortunately (and to my surprise), I was met with resistance from an [AAMW] employee when I attempted to enter G building a bit later while looking for a new volunteer," said Anderson.

Director Havens said the dog was reported aggressive when surrendered by the owners according to the television station.

"The owner of the dog in question contacted 911 to state they had a vicious animal that was theirs. We responded after hours we took the animal into custody and then the following morning we ended up euthanizing it due to the nature of the call and the behaviors the animal exhibited," Havens told the station.

Havens told the station the dog and her puppies were euthanized.

"I am aware that euthanasia is a reality at the shelter. I am well aware of the overpopulation problems. I am also well aware that [AAMW] has to make hard decisions," Anderson said online. "However, I feel that this action is the exact opposite of a what "the most humane community in the Panhandle of Texas" would do," Anderson continued.

"Her last moments, while she lay dying, were spent still trying to clean her newly birthed puppies. Their words, not mine," said Anderson.

"It's unfortunate this had to happen, but it was the right call," Havens told KAMR/KCIT TV. Havens said the dog would not have been a candidate for adoption or foster care according to the station. He said that it was a matter of public safety.

He also said that part of being a responsible pet owner is making sure your animals are spayed or neutered and that they are socialized well. He said that if this dog's owner had followed these recommendations, this incident would not have occurred.

"She was not euthanized before she went into labor, she was not euthanized after, she was euthanized as she was delivering puppies," Anderson told the station. "So aggressive or not, I don't know where you can excuse this or say this is why we did it," she continued.

Anderson said she will no longer volunteer at AAMW.

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