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Organizing Expert Offers Tips For Spring Cleaning

KING OF PRUSSIA, Pa. (CBS) -- It's the first day of spring and that has many people thinking about spring cleaning.

Stuff - we all have it, and spring is the time to get rid of it, but clutter can make us feel like we're under attack. So how do we even begin to "spring" into spring cleaning?

Professional organizer Jennifer Martin of JM Home Organizing hits the home of her clients and focuses on the one room that is best to assess what to keep and what to toss.

"The garage is the first point where you know it is actually going to leave the house. It is halfway between in and out," says Martin. "It makes it easier to actually get rid of that."

Martin says the most common things people don't want to give up, include kitchen appliances.

"Like bread makers, something that they rarely use but they feel like, 'Well, I'm going to keep it because someday I will make that great loaf of bread,'" says Martin.

To box up your junk Martin suggests - cardboard.

"If you put it in a clear plastic container that means you are going to keep it and store it in your home," said Martin.

But what if you don't want to remove the trash yourself?

"You can have a junk hauler like Junkluggers, they come, they take it all away for you, they recycle it, they'll bring things to a thrift store, and they'll give you a tax receipt," says Martin.

If you are getting dirty yourself, Martin recommends following this golden rule from designer William Morris that will help you with your cleaning,"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful."

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