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Old-School Typing Enthusiasts Gather At 30th Street Station

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – A group of people met Saturday at 30th Street station to share their enthusiasm for typewriters; a method of writing which they say is neither gone nor forgotten.

Matt Cidoni is only 16 years old and he's never had to use a typewriter, he just chooses to, "This was the typewriter favored by journalists and reporters in Vietnam."

His interest in typewriters began about five years ago when he resurrected his mother's old typewriter from the basement. "I typed out a sentence and I said this is great. It's right in front of you. You don't have to wait. You don't have to wait for it to print."

The gathering was organized by Michael McGettigan, a former reporter, who says the experience of typing is different than using a computer:

"On a computer you're like whack, whack, whack. We'll fix it in the mix, move everything around. On a typewriter you kind of get your head together cause this is going right from your brain through your fingers, right onto the paper."

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Reported By Suzanne Monaghan, KYW Newsradio.

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