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Officials Hope Sandy Will Encourage Residents To Prepare For Future Disasters

By Pat Loeb

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - While you're still recovering from Sandy, you may not want to think about getting ready for the next storm, but emergency officials say this may be the best time to do it, while the importance of preparedness is on your mind.

Sandy fatigue should not leave you vulnerable to whatever her successor may be. That's the advice from emergency management officials, including Philadelphia deputy managing director Samantha Phillips.

"I think there's this recognition that disasters are inopportune and they have the potential to catch people off guard so take the time now," she said

Phillips says Philadelphians prepared well for Sandy, but many weren't ready for the lengthy power outages that followed.

"We're now getting calls from people saying 'I need food, I need water, I need blankets'."

Phillips says planning should include being ready to leave, if need be, or shelter in place, which means having adequate supplies on hand and a reliable source of information.

She recommends signing up for alerts from and keeping a battery-powered radio on hand.

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