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New Jersey ASL Teacher In Running For 2018 National Teacher Of The Year

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – A teacher in Ocean City, NJ is a finalist for the 2018 National Teacher of the Year.

Amy T. Andersen, a high school American Sign Language (ASL) teacher at Ocean City High School has been selected as one of four finalists for the 2018 National Teacher of the Year.

"I am truly humbled to have been named a finalist for National Teacher of the Year, and I am proud and honored to represent the fantastic teaching taking place across New Jersey," said Andersen. "I believe all children deserve to have a voice, no matter how different, whether signed or spoken, and a way to express that voice. I am excited to have this opportunity to bring attention to American Sign Language, deaf culture and the global benefits of being bilingual."

The National Teacher of the Year program is run by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO).

One of the four finalists will be named the 2018 National Teacher of the Year this spring and will spend the next year traveling the country as a spokesperson and advocate for the teaching profession.

OCHS's Superintendent Dr. Kathleen Taylor says Anderson has single-handedly grown the American Sign Language (ASL) Program.

"As Ocean City School District's American Sign Language Teacher, Amy Andersen has devoted her professional career to creating a classroom environment that ensures that each student finds their voice, finds their passion and finds their path in making the school and community all that much better," said Dr. Taylor. "Ms. Andersen has single-handedly grown the American Sign Language (ASL) Program into both one of the most popular  Ocean City High School academic programs and an exemplary world language program for the region and state."

This is the first time that a New Jersey teacher has been a finalist for National Teacher of the Year.

To learn more, CLICK HERE.

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