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NJ Increases Fines For Drivers Hogging The Left Lane

By David Madden

TRENTON, N.J. (CBS) -- New Jersey is making it more expensive for motorists who insist on driving in the passing lane.

We've all been there: you want to pass someone, but another driver is cruising along in the left lane, blocking your way.

New Jersey state police lieutenant Steve Jones says it's more than just a nuisance.

"People riding in the left lane, making people pass improperly to the right, is going to cause a problem," he says.  "Therefore, it's encouraging that we have one more tool there, one more incentive to get people to move out of the left lane when they're not supposed to be there."

Fines that had been set at $50 to $200 are now going to a range of $100 to $300.

Jones concedes this violation may not sit high on their enforcement priority list compared to things such as cell phone use behind the wheel, texting while driving, and other moving violations.

Besides, in his experience, most of those who stay in the left lane are from outside New Jersey.


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