'Nice Weather' A Subjective Term Across Nation
By Hadas Kuznits
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – With January temperatures in the mid 50's here in Philadelphia, many are enjoying the outdoors, but "nice weather" is a very subjective term.
When temperatures hit the mid-50's in January here in the Philadelphia area, many consider it a treat.
"I think it's beautiful! We're loving it, it's a great day to be down here in Philadelphia," said one person enjoying the day.
"Oh, I'm going out for a bike ride, now!" said another.
Reporter: "I notice you don't have a coat."
Bike Rider: "Yeah no coat. I love it!"
Meanwhile, folks in the Los Angeles area are experiencing the exact same weather this weekend.
It seems some people just can't appreciate what they have.
"Super cold," "Bone chilling," "It's freezing" and "It's kind of unbearable," say some Los Angeles residents.