New Jury Waiting Room, For Civil and Special Cases, Opens in Phila. City Hall
By Mike Dunn
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Some Philadelphia residents called to jury duty may find themselves in plush new digs.
Court officials today opened a second jury room reserved for civil cases -- this one in City Hall.
Until now all residents called for jury duty have reported to the Criminal Justice Center, packed into a first-floor waiting room there. Some then would have to leave the building and cross the street for civil cases, heard at City Hall.
That process now changes.
Administrative judge John Herron today cut the ribbon on a $1.5-million jury room at City Hall specifically for civil cases.
"We've experienced overcrowding in the Stout Criminal Justice building for quite some time," he said today. "And moving (jury) panels to City Hall was an extraordinarily complex and difficult process, adding time. And this facility will alleviate all of that, will bring jurors directly to City Hall."
New summons mailed to residents will tell the potential jurors where to report.
The new jury room will also be used two days a week for special indicting grand juries empanelled by the district attorney for cases that might involve witness intimidation, as well as for investigating grand juries.