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NJ Lawmakers Want Clarification On Federal Medical Marijuana Laws

TRENTON, N.J. (CBS) - New Jersey wants federal officials to clarify their plans regarding enforcement of drug laws, in light of the state's pending medical marijuana program.

In a three page letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, New Jersey AG Paula Dow notes that similar requests from Washington State and California were met with a reiteration of federal policy. They won't prosecute those using marijuana under state approval, but growers and distributors are not exempt from possible arrest or prosecution.

"Most likely, we will not hear any different response. However, we do need clarity since the program is about to launch later this year," New Jersey Attorney General spokesman Paul Loriquet says.

Loriquet could not recall an instance in which a state approved pot grower or vendor has been prosecuted by the feds. New Jersey's health department says it requested legal guidance, prompting the letter to Washington.

Reported by David Madden, KYW Newsradio

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