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New Jersey Gov. Christie Rules Out Presidential Run

TRENTON, N.J. (CBS) -- New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is definitely not running for President.

That's what the governor said at a press conference Monday morning following weeks of speculation about his intentions. Gov. Christie has recently been traveling around the country to stump for fellow Republicans, and now a website has been set-up to try to convince him to get into the race:

Christie says that website, set up by a Burlington County man, is flattering but is also a "monumental waste of time."

"I can't say this any other way: I am not a candidate for President. I am not a candidate for Vice President. If the Vice Presidency is offered to me, I will turn it down," Gov. Christie (R-NJ) said. "I don't want it, I want to be here. I know people around the country think that's crazy, but I love this place. I want to stay here. I want to do this job."

Christie says he's been campaigning for fellow Republicans because a lot of them helped him get elected last year, and he feels a responsibility to help those who helped him.

The governor also says he's trying to raise New Jersey's image which has been battered recently by some national television shows.

"We get the Real Housewives of New Jersey, and we get the Jersey Shore, and we get all these shows that denigrate our state," Christie said. But because of his travels, "New Jersey is now getting a much different image. And the image is that they have now a government who is willing to make tough decisions, that understands how to cut spending and not raise taxes."

When asked to describe the electorate's mood heading into the midterm elections, Christie says it doesn't matter where he's been or which party is in power, voters feel as though government is not responsive.

"They feel like their current government, no matter what state I was in, their current representatives weren't listening to them."

For his part, Don Sico – who set up the website to recruit Christie to run for President – plans to keep at it.

"I have nothing but time. The election's not until 2012," Sico said. "We have, I believe, a year to convince him, and so we're going to keep up our effort."

Reported By Ben Simmoneau, CBS 3

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