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New Book Ponders The Question, 'Where Did The Jobs Go And How Do We Get Them Back?'

By John Ostapkovich

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Both parties in this election year are focusing on growing the economy and adding jobs, but a new book argues they're largely doing it wrong.

The latest book by Scott Bittle and Jean Johnson asks this question in its title: Where Did the Jobs Go and How Do We Get Them Back? It's described as a citizens' guide to try to refocus debate past sound bites.

"So that we're not just talking about federal government policy on taxes. We really are talking about the whole range of things that we need to do to get jobs going," says co-author Jean Johnson.

Johnson says that jobs lost abroad are an issue, but so too is germinating them here.

"A person has a good idea and wants to start a business; what do they need to get it started, make it go and make it a success?"

Tax policy is certainly a part of that, as is investment capital, skilled workers and the regulatory climate.

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