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Mortgage Scams on the Rise Nationwide

The Philadelphia Unemployment Project is trying  to help people avoid a growing problem: mortgage scams.

As KYW's Hadas Kuznits reports, housing counselor Tim Styer says foreclosures are on the rise nationwide:

"We're seeing a higher socio-economic class of people who are having problems."

(Kuznits:) And that's because of unemployment?

Styer: "The other factor that's starting to play a role is underemployment."

He says foreclosures can be scary, and that fear opens the door to scammers:

"First of all, they say 'we can save your home' -- and that resonates with people."

Styer also warns of sensational notices:

"So if it's not from your mortgage company, and doesn't have your mortgage company's name on it, then it's suspect."

He warns homeowners of people who ask for money up front to prevent you from losing your home:

"In a city like Philadelphia, we have an army of housing counselors.  No one should have to pay!"

He says folks can get free loan modification guidance from a HUD-approved counselor at 215-334-HOME.

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