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Man Makes Impressive Transformation To Run 2018 Boston Marathon

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Nearly two years ago, Caleb Oliver was morbidly obese, weighing in at 377 pounds. Now, the 38-year-old man is all set to run the 2018 Boston Marathon.

The weight-loss journey for the Samuel Adams Brewery mechanic was a continuous struggle, but he was motivated by his wife and their three young children to see success in his weight loss.

Oliver explains, "I was overweight, bouncing back and forth. I'd lose 65 pounds and gain it all back again, lose 85 and gain it all back again. I wasn't getting good sleep. I had sleep apnea. My blood pressure was through the roof."

On Halloween 2016, Oliver underwent laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery.

The weight-loss surgery helped Oliver shed the excess weight and now he weighs in between 236 and 241 pounds.

Before his gastric bypass surgery, Caleb had never been much of a runner and, although he had been active in his youth, he hadn't maintained an active lifestyle.

Last August, Caleb ran his first-ever race, a 5K obstacle race along called the Rugged Maniac at Maple Grove Raceway near Reading.

Even with this newfound inspiration, Caleb has never planned on undertaking a marathon.

"I put my name in the hat for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and got picked," Oliver said on his decision to run the Boston Marathon.

Still, Caleb maintains his philosophy on achieving his marathon goal much like he did with his weight-loss goal.

"I would like to finish in six hours, but if it takes longer, it takes longer," he said. "I want to finish. That's my goal."

With his eye on the finish line, Caleb is sure to see continued success.


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