Many Preparing For Easter By Shopping For Their Sunday Best
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Easter is this Sunday and folks are making sure they - and especially the kids in the family - are dressed for the holiday.
Hillary Wing, the manager of The Children's Boutique says spring is the season for kids' clothes and she especially looks forward to getting family portraits (from customers sent to her store) of folks dressed in their Easter best.
"It just makes you smile; and then it's like the next five customers you wait on, you're like, look look look! My customer just sent me this!"
Co-owner Linda Berman says the trend this year is color.
"Lot's of hot pinks, fuchsias, purples, orange for boys is tremendous, bright blues."
This customer was shopping for her granddaughters.
"She loves dresses. She loves modeling and dresses."
Kuznits: "Then do you go home and do the fashion show?"
"They use the upstairs like a runway to model clothes."
Kuznits: "That's the ultimate fashion show, isn't it? Easter?"
"Yes! The hats, the flowers, the colors! Very nice!"