Man Trapped In Car For 5 Days Survives After Drinking Own Urine
SEQUIM, Wash. (CBS) -- A man in Washington was trapped in his car for five days before he was found, and according to reports, he took some drastic measures to survive.
Police say 69-year-old Richard Jones had been missing since he left home Wednesday night to get his wife a bottle of wine.
He tells police he was on his way home when a car coming over a hill blinded him. He swerved, over-corrected and went off the road, reports the Peninsula Daily News. The car hit a tree in a brushy area, blocking his doors and making the car difficult to see from the roadway.
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It wasn't until Monday that a man walking his dog nearby spotted Jones, according to the report.
"I suffered the whole time," Jones told the publication. "If there was a God, I felt God was yelling at me, 'Is somebody in there, are you alive?' That would have been God, that's how good it felt to see that person finally show up in what I thought was going to be my final resting spot."
When deputies found Jones, he was uninjured and talkative though dehydrated and hypothermic.
Jones told police he drank his own urine to stay hydrated.
Police say they've seen cases where missing people were found in their cars after several days, but not one where someone survived that long.