''Love Triangle'' Defendants to be Tried in Chester
Two people will be tried in Chester County court for the love triangle murder of a West Goshen man last month at his landscaping business.
KYW's David Madden reports 34-year-old Morgan Mengel showed little emotion during the over hour long preliminary hearing in which two West Goshen detectives described the events leading up to the murder of her husband, 33-year-old Kevin Mengel. Morgan admitted to an affair with 21-year-old Stephen Shappell, an employee at MKB Landscaping. Chester County First Assistant DA Pat Carmody:
"They first tried to poison him with liquid nicotine. Then that didn't work. Stephen Shappell used a shovel to kill him."
And bury Kevin behind Marple-Newtown High School. Morgan Mengel and Shappell allegedly traded text messages detailing and carrying out the murder, then used Kevin's cell phone and altered his Facebook page to throw off investigators. Shappell, who was later captured in Colorado, waived his preliminary hearing.
Both suspects are facing a slew of charges topped by murder.