Local Experts Say Philadelphia Deserves More Prominent Role In Poe Movie 'The Raven'
By Paul Kurtz
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - The new movie, "The Raven" is spurring interest among Edgar Allan Poe fans here in Philadelphia, which was home to the author during his most productive years.
The Raven is set in Baltimore during Poe's final days. But local Poe historian Ed Petit believes Philadelphia deserves mention.
"Almost all the works that they talk about in the movie and that the murders are about, they're all Philadelphia stories. The greatest hits he wrote here. The Raven, he may have begun it while living in Philadelphia."
Poe's Raven was inspired by a bird owned by fellow author Charles Dickens -- you can see the real thing, stuffed and mounted by Dickens himself -- in the rare book department of the Free Library of Philadelphia.
Over at Poe's old home at 7th and Spring Garden, Park Ranger and tour guide Steve Medeirous is hoping the movie will bring more visitors.
"I think there's already somebody who's visited the site because of the film."
His main concern is dealing with the many inaccuracies contained in the movie.
"We have to deal with the myths about Poe from time to time and I guess this will be another myth busting experience with the film depending upon what they say that's going to be set in stone for a lot of people. And we're going to have say no, that's not true. So we'll wait and see."