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Local College Senior Organizes Suicide And Non-Violence Forum

By Tim Jimenez

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - A local college senior organized a suicide and non-violence forum that took place last night.

Temple senior Jaimee Swift lost a classmate to suicide three years ago. She was also touched by two alumni who ended their own lives as well during her time at school. So it got her thinking.

"If the dialogue is not being created. We're going to create the dialogue about it."

So she came up with this event at Temple's Performing Arts Center, "Peace in the City."

"It's about non-violence and suicide prevention but it's also a music and theater fest. So, they're going to be performers, video, speakers, giveaways and a wonderful play."

All to spread the message that life is worth living, and helping as many people cope with what they may be dealing with.

"That's the mission. That's the whole goal. If we can change just one person then we are doing our job. But we want to touch multiple people."

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