"Lights of Liberty" Show Gets A Year-Round, Indoor Venue
The all-new, historic "Lights of Liberty" show has formally opened to the public following a Tuesday afternoon ribbon-cutting at the new attraction's headquarters in Philadelphia's historic area.
Gov. Rendell was joined by former Historic Philadelphia executive director Karen Butler and a host of other patrons in cutting the ceremonial ribbon opening up the new, indoor "Lights of Liberty" theatre at Sixth and Chestnut Streets, across the street from Independence Hall.
Amy Needle, current president and chief executive officer of the organization, says the new presentation, "Liberty 360," is a 3-D panoramic movie, showing on a giant cylindrical screen while visitors stand to watch:
"Ben Franklin, your host, takes you across America and gives you a look at all the symbols of our great country -- and it's a lot of fun and it's a real adventure."
She says the 15-minute presentation features something for young and old, and will run 360 days in the year, showing continuously from 9 a.m. daily.
Reported by Mark Abrams, KYW Newsradio.
Photo by Mark Abrams.