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Cloudy Labor Day weekend at New Jersey shore marks the unofficial end of summer

Cloudy weekend at Ocean City marks the unofficial end of summer
Cloudy weekend at Ocean City marks the unofficial end of summer 01:43

OCEAN CITY, N.J. (CBS) -- For Labor Day weekend, families headed down the shore to Ocean City, New Jersey, for one last weekend of beach time before the end of summer vacation. 

Piper Wattai, a 9-year-old just about to start the fourth grade, said she didn't mind the overcast weather.

"I don't like too hot, but I don't like too cold," she said. "It's in the middle, so I like halfway. It's perfect." 

Her mother, Heather Wattai, was a little less optimistic.

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"We were hoping for maybe a little sun," she said. "But you know what? We'll make the best of it."

For some, the cooler weather was a disappointment. Keira Towers, 14, was hoping to enjoy the ocean. 

"I just wanted to play in the ocean and like for it to be hot so it would feel refreshing," she said. "It's just cold!"

Her brother, Cooper, 11, agreed.

Ocean City boardwalk during Labor Day weekend 2024 CBS Philadelphia

"It's a disappointment," he said.  "I wish summer was longer because it felt super short."

For local businesses, the overcast weather was a blessing. Arianna Segich, a supervisor at Ocean City Coffee Company, said the whole summer was busy. "We've been slammed from Memorial Day up until today and it's still going," she said. 

Georgia Little, who works at The Islander, a boutique on the boardwalk, noticed increased foot traffic due to the cooler conditions.

 "It's been super busy up here," she said. "Because it's overcast, it's been really good weather, so we've had a lot of traffic."

For others, like Donna Debiec of Reading, summer isn't exactly over.

 "I'm retired, so summer's not coming to an end," she said. "It just goes on and on. It can be summer any time."

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