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Kimmel Center Celebrates 10th Anniversary With Free Events

By Hadas Kuznits

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- The Kimmel Center marks its tenth birthday today.

Officials are celebrating the tenth anniversary of the opening of Philadelphia's jewel of the Avenue of the Arts with a series of free and paid events from now until January 1st, followed by free events every weekend after that until June.

"One of my all-time favorites is 'Tuba Christmas,' says Anne Ewers (below), president and CEO of the Kimmel Center.  "People can bring their tubas, bring your music.  It's so popular we have to do two sessions -- Saturday, December 17th, at 1:30, and another opportunity at 5:30."

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And Ewers says they are working on improvements to the facility this year.

"We're putting a glass dome to totally enclose the Hamilton Garden so that it can be acoustically and temperature controlled.  We have a fabulous space, but it has been a sauna, basically, from May to September.  We've not been allowed to use it, so this will allow year-round opportunity."

Hear Hadas Kuznits' full interview with Anne Ewers in this CBS Philly podcast...


Right-click to download podcast

And they're embracing the community, she says, "and saying OK, what does our community want to see on our stages?  What do they want to help bring to our stages?   And so that's been very exciting."

For a list of events, go to

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