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Joe Biden Visiting Bucks County Friday To Talk About Cost Of College

By Brad Segall

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Vice President Joe Biden is coming to the Philadelphia area tomorrow morning to speak to high school students in Bucks County about the cost of college and what the Obama Administration is doing to make it more affordable.

Biden and Deputy Secretary of Education Tony Miller will speak to students Friday morning at Central Bucks West High School in Doylestown. Even though students have finals next week, class schedules are being adjusted to give students a chance to take part in what could be a chance of a lifetime.

CB West Principal Kevin Munnelly says the Vice President's message will likely resonate with many of the students.

"Unfortunately for a lot of our students where they go to school is being more a decision of what they can afford as opposed to what they wanted to study."

200 seniors from the other two high schools in the district will also attend the event. A release from the White House says Biden will also call on colleges and universities to help contain the costs of an education. Republican party leaders are calling it a campaign stop.


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