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PAC backing Jeff Brown in Philadelphia mayor race ordered to stop spending

PAC backing Jeff Brown in Philadelphia mayor race ordered to stop spending
PAC backing Jeff Brown in Philadelphia mayor race ordered to stop spending 01:08

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- A Philadelphia judge ordered a political action committee to stop spending money on the Democratic mayoral primary after the Board of Ethics said the PAC is coordinating with candidate Jeff Brown.

That would violate the city's election law.

PACs are allowed to raise money for candidates, but they are forbidden from directly coordinating with candidates.

The Board of Ethics' executive director Shane Creamer requested an injunction, saying there is "extensive evidence" that Brown raised money for the group known as For A Better Philadelphia.

We reached out to Brown's campaign for comment, and his campaign manager Kyle Anderson released this statement, saying in part:

This is a disagreement on campaign finance between the lawyers.

The bottom line is that Jeff is fighting for change and a new direction for Philadelphia, and that message is resonating.

We have complied with the law and neither we, nor the voters, will be distracted by this nonsense.

We also reached out to the attorney representing the PAC For a Better Philadelphia.

We'll let you know when they have a comment. 

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