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Jay Lloyd's Getaway: Bring Your Memories Into the Digital Age


By Jay Lloyd


COLLEGEVILLE, Pa. (CBS) --  Remember those great vacation pictures?  The ones you took before cell phone cameras and digital photography?   Where are they now?

If your old travel photos and movies are gathering dust in the bottom of a closet somewhere, you can now revive the fun of viewing them -- even if you no longer have the correct projector.

I'm in the middle of a project that I may hand down to the kids.  It involves recovering and digitizing all those 8mm films, VHS tapes, and of course the slides.

I already owned a slide converter, and recently I plugged in my brand-spanking-new video capture device.  And it's as addictive as a Nathan's hot dog!

In short, the device lets you copy, edit, digitize, and burn to DVD all those old VHS vacation tapes.  I can even grab and turn a video clip into a series of still pictures, then pick the one that looks best for an album or slide show.

The old 8-millimeter film is a bit more difficult.  They have to first be converted commercially.  Most camera shops will do it. So will CVS, Costco, and other chains with photo services.

I shelled out $35 for the video capture device. There are dozens to choose from at Amazon.  Mine is a Diamond One-Touch.

I also added a new VHS-and-DVD player, for $95.  Now my family is reliving getaways that go back over half a century!


Don't throw away your  getaway memories -- look into converting them for the digital age.

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