Jay Lloyd's Getaway: Bicycling in Cities
By Jay Lloyd
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- With urban bicycling all the rage these days, you can bike big cities and avoid the traffic scrum.
As a kid in New York City I didn't own a bike, and my parents only allowed me to rent one for an hour a week. It cost 35 cents, and they worried every second of it.
Now I have two gown kids living in New York. They ride bikes, and I understand my folks' concerns.
Big-city cycling can be traffic-free, and scenic to boot. Here in Philadelphia, try the river drives, where bicycles are available for rent.
In New York City, biking is a treat along the Hudson River from midtown Manhattan to the Battery and beyond, where it becomes a family affair.
"Everybody would love it here," one New York City kid told me.
We've found rental bikes available online, in cities and resort destinations here and abroad: beachside in Barcelona, along the Toronto waterfront (top photo), by the canals of Amsterdam, and in a quiet neighborhood in Brooklyn.
Peddle an hour or a day, and just go where the path leads!
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