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Jared McCain feels like "I'm in 2K right now." Here's what the Sixers' 1st-round pick believes he's best at.

Sixers hold introductory press conference for draft picks Jared McCain, Adem Bona
Sixers hold introductory press conference for draft picks Jared McCain, Adem Bona 17:19

CAMDEN, N.J. (CBS) — Jared McCain and Adem Bona walked into the Philadelphia 76ers' training facility Friday all smiles, coincidentally twinning in crisp white button-up shirts.

Both shared the recent whirlwind experiences since being drafted by the Sixers this week.

"It's been pretty hectic. Obviously, I'm living out my dream right now, so I'm trying to be present," McCain said. "I'm trying to take in every moment, but it's hard when I'm an NBA player now. It's crazy. I feel like I'm in 2K right now."

McCain, who was drafted 16th overall in the 2024 NBA draft, is soaking up the Philadelphia atmosphere, even still figuring out the nitty-gritty details like finding a place to live.

On the court, McCain's eager to leverage his game IQ, something he thinks is undervalued. He aims to blend with the team and learn from Tyrese Maxey, particularly his ball handling and executing pick-and-rolls. He's also determined to grow defensively.

Hailing from Duke, McCain, is expected to be a versatile, playmaking guard for the Sixers. He emphasized the importance of learning from everyone, staying true to himself and blocking out the haters.

With championship aspirations in sight, these two rookies are ready to shine.

"When the lights are the brightest, that's when I want to show out and be myself on the court," McCain said.

Bona's journey has been equally emotional. The big man describes a rollercoaster of feelings from happiness to joy. He said he could "feel the energy through the phone" when talking to the front office, sensing the organization's hardworking ethos and high expectations.

"It's so unreal to get your name called. Like, I'm an NBA player right now," Bona said. "We work toward this goal every single day of our lives to get here, and we're here now."

Bona, a UCLA alum with Nigerian and Turkish roots, is excited to learn from Cameroonian star Joel Embiid, who shares similar African roots. He anticipates the challenge of practicing against Embiid daily, describing how it'll be a "handful a job."

"Every time I step on the floor, I bring all the energy I can give," Bona said. "I think Philly is gonna get one of the hardest workers in the draft."

Recognized as the 2023-24 Pac-12 Defensive Player of the Year, Bona is committed to making significant contributions through his defensive skills, athleticism and relentless work ethic. His background in soccer has endowed him with exceptional speed, agility and mobility.

Both McCain and Bona are hungry to win and eagerly anticipate the upcoming months, ready to prove themselves in the NBA Summer League and beyond.

The Sixers' future looks bright with these two promising talents ready to adapt and elevate to this next level.

By Victoria Newsome

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