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IPO In Sight, Poll Finds Many Dismiss Facebook As A Fad

By Jim Melwert

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Facebook is raising the price of its IPO, a sign of high demand for the stock (see related story). But a recent poll finds half of Americans think Facebook is just a fad.

Maybe not pet-rock kind of fad most people say, but, "most online services within a couple years kind of fade, maybe not a passing fad, but it does have a shelf-life."

Others say the numbers tell a different story.

"It has a billion users; I think it's going to remain in effect for quite awhile."

The Associated Press-CNBC poll finds about 75 percent of Facebook users say they rarely or never click on ads on Facebook.

But, despite the findings of the opinion poll, Facebook's IPO will likely raise 10-times more than Google's did in 2004. And the company could be valued at 100-billion dollars, making it worth more than Disney, Kraft Foods and Ford.

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