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Hoagies For Hope: Over 400 Volunteers Making Hoagies To Raise Money To Help Local Families In Need

GLOUCESTER COUNTY, N.J. (CBS) -- A Gloucester County Community is shifting its attention off of the Super Bowl to help local families in need. The annual Hoagies for Hope event took place Sunday at Clearview Regional High School

Volunteers went the whole nine yards, making sure the community's Super Bowl needs were met.

"The first year we made 1,000 hoagies, now we average 2,000 a year," student council advisor Christina Boody said.

The sandwiches made their way down the assembly line for the sixth annual Hoagies for Hope event on Sunday.

The proceeds benefit people in the school community with serious medical needs -- that includes students or their family members.

Heather Chiaradonna's son is in the ninth grade at Clearview and the school staff nominated her and three others to be recipients of this year's donation.

"I was diagnosed two years ago, it's hard financially," Chiaradonna said. "It's so great to have a community that supports you."

More than 400 volunteers gathered in the cafeteria and kitchen to make and pack the orders available for pickup at the school.

One of those student volunteers was sophomore Hannah McStay. Hoagies for Hope helped her a few years ago after she was diagnosed with leukemia in 2012.

"I think my parents were most affected because of the shock," Hannah said.

She's now undergoing post-remission therapy and paying it forward.

"I think it shows it's not just what we're doing here day-to-day but how was can impact those in the larger community," Hannah said.

Hoagies for Hope also benefited a family devastated by a fire this year.

"We started this to help people in our community who are going through some hard times and to give back to them to maybe make what they're going through a little less stressful," Christina said.

Last year, Hoagies for Hope raised $24,000 and the goal for this year is to top that.

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